Headshot FAQs

What do I wear?

Headshots are all about looking like yourself and looking normal, so there’s no need to dress up too much for the occasion.

Please bring a selection of different colours and styles of top that you’re comfortable in.  Try to stick to tops that aren’t too loud or busy, and if possible, try to find a top that compliments your eye colour.  Muted colours like greys, blues, greens, mustards, browns and deep reds are all excellent choices.  5 tops are a good number, and if you have a smart-casual outdoor jacket please bring that too!

Tops with low necklines are also a good option, but some with higher necklines are also desirable.  We’ll likely use a number of the tops you bring, so please be prepared to change if necessary.  Layers are also great, so if you have a shirt over t-shirt combo, for example, do bring that along too!

Bring a black and/or a white top if you like, but please be aware that we may not use it and bring something colourful too!

Please be prepared to take any jewellery off during the shoot.

What about hair and make-up?

Please keep makeup somewhere between zero and light – zero is preferred!

Headshots aren’t glamour shots, so looking relaxed and like yourself is best.  Please avoid false eyelashes, mascara, eyeliner, eye-shadow, lip gloss, lip stick, bronzer…  You get the picture!

A headshot is all about looking natural; the viewer will find it easier to imagine you with make-up (if necessary) than without.

Blemishes and spots are incredibly easy to remove in post-production, so don’t panic if you wake up with a blatantly obvious zit on the day!

Please make sure hair is to your liking and presentable, and be ready to tie it up/let it down if needed.

Try to avoid getting a haircut or a makeover in the week before our shoot.  Similarly to makeup, the style should be natural and relaxed.

Anything else?

Stay well hydrated before and during the shoot – it’ll give your skin a lovely glow and help you feel your best!

Avoid going out or drinking the night before – get a good night’s sleep and come to your session refreshed and bright.